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Jiangxi Yin Shan White Cement Co., Ltd


ADD:Industrial Park, Anfu County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province

Nanchang Office:Nanchang University Science and Technology Park,Gaoxin Road No. 589, Nanchang, China.

☎TEL:(0791)8851 1882

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E-mail: sugar.wang@yswhitecement.com

Yinxue white cement factory warmly invited TCT expert group to visit

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Yinxue white cement factory warmly invited TCT expert group to visit

Release date:2017-08-10 Author: Click:

April 23 afternoon, China ceramic industry association of professional committee of the ceramic tile paste technology (TCT) part of the group to visit jiangxi passes white cement co., LTD., chairman of Mr Wu dragon introduced the situation of the company and the output of high whiteness, high strength, high stability of the stringent requirements of white cement, and personally guide you to the site visit to explain each link one by one. One of the most admirable is the company's large homogenization facilities, large clinker bases, waste heat generation and use of chaff as fuel.


Honor of qualification


Chairman wu fei long to explain the scene

After the visit, the advanced automatic production line and new concept of silver fir have given the experts a new understanding and recognition. Wu, chairman of the patient to ask the opinions of the experts, everyone said silver fir cement compared to other cement plant cleaner, no dust flying, feet white phenomenon, hope the passes can be more development, make the domestic white cement.


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This article URL:http://www.jxsdh.com/en/news/353.html

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