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China Mortar Network College launch ceremony held in Beijing

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China Mortar Network College launch ceremony held in Beijing

Release date:2017-08-10 Author: Click:

Welcome to the free training era - China Mortar Network College launch ceremony held in Beijing

- Jiangxi Yin Shan White Cement Co., Ltd. hired as vice president of the unit, the future for more personnel to serve the knowledge and needs of white cement

With the development of Internet technology, more and more industries are fast and their own integration with the Internet, whether it is a simple government, industry, corporate Web site, or all kinds of network information platform, they are imperceptibly affect us, expand We have access to information and knowledge sources, but also more profound changes to us.

In this "lifelong learning system" and "information big bang" era, the mortar industry is also an urgent need for a platform for our own, so that mortar industry practitioners can continue to learn new knowledge, new skills, master the latest industry technology Development trend. And this kind of learning, in today's need for more simple, more cost-effective, efficient way. Today, China's mortar network to start the ceremony held, let it all become a reality.

Mr. Li Jiajian, Director of the Development Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Wang Zhaogai, Vice President of Beijing Jinyu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Chairman of China Chamber of Building Materials Preparatory Marble Branch Wang Zhaogai, Executive Vice President of Ready-mixed Mortar Branch Ma Hansheng, Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee Director of Building Materials Office Liu Xiaoqun, Deputy Director of Beijing Office of Bulk Cement Management Liu Hongbo, Director of Tianjin Office of Bulk Cement Cao Dianqun, Liu Haidong Chief, Director of Hebei Cement Office Li Yuming Wang Tiejun, Deputy Director, Song Caifeng Chief, attended the meeting, China Mortar Network Institute of the vice president of units, departments and industry representatives of more than 40 enterprises attended the start meeting. The start-up will be presided over by the Secretary-General Xiao Qunfang, a premixed mortar club.

Ministry of Commerce, Department of Development Industry Director Li Jiajian first made a speech, he said today, China Mortar Network College officially launched, it should be said to the mortar industry needs such a communication platform. After the two sessions this year, very popular "Internet +" concept, today "Internet + mortar" has become a reality. Director Lee also expressed his gratitude for the hard work of the China Mortar Network Institute, and invited all the friends in the mortar industry to welcome each of the mortar people to learn the technology and arm themselves.

Subsequently, the deputy secretary general of the ready-mixed mortar branch Xiong Shaobo on behalf of the organizers from the network college's organizational structure, operation program, personnel composition and other aspects of a comprehensive introduction, so that once again, China Mortar Network Institute has a comprehensive understanding.

China Mortar Network College of the faculties of the faculties of the unit by the industry's most influential brand and brand value of the enterprise, the direct leadership of the enterprises as vice president of the hospital, they together constitute the basis of the network college. Today's start-up meeting, but also for these enterprises and the vice president of the formal issue of plaque and letter of appointment.

At the end of the ceremony, Wang Zhaogao, president of the School of Network College of China Network College, spoke on behalf of the organizers and the network academy. He pointed out that for the development of the mortar industry for ten years, we have not had a systematic study, Exchange of technical platform, many friends encounter problems also suffer from seeking no problem, these have had. So, as we saw the China Mortar Network Institute of the same as the film, we pre-mixed mortar club after planning, after nearly eight months of efforts, all of you through the industry colleagues work together, we shouted "only learning, Can progress "slogan, began our China Mortar Network Institute of this industry technology all-round platform construction. Mortar industry after years of development, has entered a period of rapid development. In the high-speed road, it is not the slightest detours. So, China Mortar Network College learn industry recognized eleven companies as vice president of units, I believe that through our continuous improvement and perfection, really let all ready-mixed mortar industry to participate in business and participants income, really "learn technology, do not go detour".

After the start of the ceremony, the vice president, teachers, members of the industry together to participate in the network to watch the teaching video and discuss the construction of the second phase of the meeting. This session was chaired by Xiong Shaobo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Prepared Marble Branch. First of all, the participants on behalf of the collective watch De Gao (Guangzhou) Building Materials Co., Ltd. on the ceramic tile teaching video, De Gao (Guangzhou) Building Materials Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Zhang Yongdong on behalf of the tile system for everyone to explain the future direction of teaching And construction ideas. Subsequently, the wet mortar system, the system sand system, redispersible latex system, putty system and other seven faculties of the faculties have their own department of the construction progress and future teaching content were described. In the free discussion session, the delegates have to speak, the network college in the future construction of the Imagination and questioning.

As pointed out by the Director of Li Jiajian and Chairman Wang Zhaogua at the launching ceremony, the construction peak in 2015 has already arrived. China is a major building, mortar as building materials, the main accessories, has also ushered in the era of high-speed development opportunities, ready-mixed mortar club as the Chinese mortar home, is willing to China Mortar Network College start as an opportunity, and all of you mortar Technology up to people, one heart and one mind, condensate condensate, technical services to contribute to the force mortar industry. At the same time we also praise for all the progress of all mortar people! For the progress of the mortar industry every step of praise! For the healthy development of the mortar industry praise!

This article URL:http://www.jxsdh.com/en/news/355.html

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