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Jiangxi Yin Shan White Cement Co., Ltd


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What is white cement?

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What is white cement?

Release date:2017-08-10 Author: Click:

White Portland cement abbreviation, with the appropriate ingredients of the raw material to burn to some of the melting, the calcium carbonate as the main ingredient, less iron content of clinker by adding the right amount of gypsum, grinding made of white hydraulic cement material. When grinding cement, it is permissible to add limestone that does not exceed 5% by weight of cement. White cement is mostly decorative, and its manufacturing process is much better than ordinary cement. Mainly used to hook the gap of white tiles, generally not used for the wall, the reason is the intensity is not high. In the building materials market or decorative materials store for sale.

This article URL:http://www.jxsdh.com/en/news/363.html

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